The IYEA (International Young Endoscopist Awards) program is intended to promote technical advancement and collaboration among international societies of GI endoscopy. This program has been held annually for young doctors in Asia since 2014, and young endoscopists have been participating in this program to strengthen their expertise and acquire basic and practical skills. Last year, we held the 1st online education due to the pandemic, with 45 international participants from 19 countries joining the program.
This year, IYEA 2022 will go online again, but with increased interactive capabilities. We will have three days of live workshops, and IYEA participants will have the opportunity to give oral presentations at the IDEN conference. The three-day workshops will mainly focus on basic and practical skills for beginners in the field, with live discussion to ask your questions and talk about the experiences and know-how with Korean experts and global participants.
APRIL 24,2022
Application Deadline
Workshop Key Slides Open
Announcement of Presentations
How to Participate
Read the below
application guidelines.
Sign up or log in to
IDEN 2022 and click
the ‘Apply for IYEA’
button below.
Complete the
application online
and choose the
preferred program.
You can see the key
slides of the
workshop lectures
and send questions
from April.
The online meeting
link will be sent in
May for applicants to
join the program.
Schedule Korea Standard Time | GMT+9
- Young physicians working in GI endoscopy not residing in Korea under 40 years of age are eligible.
(Resident, Fellow, Junior Staff)
- Participants must complete registration and payment. Registration fees will not be waived.
- Abstract submission to IDEN 2022 is advised, though not mandatory. 8 abstracts will be selected for oral presentations and receive awards.
Benefits & Awards
IDEN 2022 Registration Fee Reimbursement & Certificate
- Complete two or more workshops.
- Online participation must be confirmed.
Replay IYEA Workshop Video
- For those who applied to the IYEA workshop(s), recorded IYEA Workshop videos will be available after the IDEN conference.
IYEA Outstanding Participant Award USD 100
- Complete three workshops, submit abstracts to IDEN 2022, and send questions about the workshop lectures via the online system.
- Participation will be judged, and the winner will be decided after the conference.
IYEA Outstanding Presentation Award USD 100 | 8 awardees
- Eight abstracts will be selected for the opportunity to give oral presentations on June 10 (Fri), at the ‘IYEA Young Endoscopist Forum’ during IDEN 2022.
Ask Questions to Speakers
‘KEY SLIDES’ for workshop lectures will be available in April.
After viewing them, you are encouraged to send questions to each lecture.
During the live workshops, speakers will answer questions from the audience.
** You should log in and apply for the IYEA program to see the key slide files and send questions to the speaker.
** Your active participation by sending questions will be counted in the selection for the ‘Outstanding Participant Award.’