How can I watch the presentation VOD again?
If you miss a real-time presentation or would like to watch once again, you may access the VOD replay menu on the online conference website and watch presentations after the scientific program ends until August 31, 2022.
Please note that only VODs by consenting speakers will be available for viewing and downloading of the VODs will not be permitted.
How can I see E-Posters?
IDEN 2022 will feature an E-Poster system with all posters available on the online conference website.
How can I see abstracts?
During the conference, abstracts can be viewed on the Online Conference Website.
When will the award winners be announced?
※ Eligibility requirements for award
1) You must present the abstract accepted for E-poster presentation.
2) You must complete payment of the registration fee and submit the E-poster to IDEN 2022.
3) Your online conference attendance must be confirmed.
As seen above, award winners must attend the online conference. After the conference ends, the winners will be announced by email individually upon confirmation of their online participation.
How can I issue a receipt or a certification of presentation?
The participant who has submitted the presentation file will be able to download the certification of presentation from "My page" after June 10(Fri).